I have been practicing yoga for about 15 years and. Both the practice of yoga and
following a macrobiotic lifestyle have
changed my life for the very best and I see them as complementary in my search
for health, balance, happiness and greater awareness.
are precious tools to reach the harmonization of the yin and yang energies, ida
and pingala as they are known in yoga, which together regulate the various
glands and organs of the body influencing the emotions and states of consciousness.
This is post intends to be some food for thought for people
that like me practice yoga or some other kind of exercise that helps them find
balance and enhance life force such as Tai Chi, Chi Kung, etc., but have not yet become aware that the energetic and healing work they are doing with such practices can be
enhanced or diminished depending on the way they feed themselves. My point is
that whatever practice you choose, it would be contradictory to feed yourself
in such a way that would create in your organism the contrary effects to those
you are looking for. Just a very simple example: it would not make sense to do
breathing exercises to open and clean your lungs and eat foods that would contract
or generate fat and mucus deposits in these organs.
So I invite you to discover the energetics of food, how they
affect your physical, emotional and mental bodies and how they will help you
reach the goals you have set for you with your yoga practice.
Here is a link to an article of yogi Swami Gaurishankara Saraswati
talking about the common features
of yoga and macrobiotics.